Adobe Experience Manager Connector
Overview Key features Update notes Release notes Installation guide Package installation Deployment to AEMaaCS Connector configuration Custom content types Additional settings Custom language mapping Create user group Grant user permissions Share access to projects Auto replace hyperlinks User guide Create new language copy Update language copy Component translation Translation Project template Avilinga Translations console Manual translation retrieval Manual Launch promotion i18n dictionary translation Audit translations Share a project Maintenance Troubleshooting Remote Log service Solve issues

User guide

Create new language copy

To create a new language copy of a page, content fragment or experience fragment:

1. Select the page, content fragment or experience fragment from the source language tree, open the References sidebar and select Language Copies.

Note: This section describes the Sites console to create a new language copy of a page. Functionality is identical in the Assets or Experience Fragments consoles.

2. Select the Avilinga (Create) tab.

3. Set the following parameters:

- Select the Language(s) for the translation.

Hint: Setup the language groups in your Avilinga account to select multiple  languages as a group (e.g. "European Languages").

- Check Select all sub-pages to translate all associated sub-pages if required.

- Type in Title to identify the project in the Avilinga portal and AEM Projects console.

- Select Workflow from options available in your Avilinga account.

- Select Cost Centre from the cost centers associated with your Avilinga API user.

- Uncheck Automatic Quote Approval to require quotation approval on the Avilinga portal before launch.

- If the selected workflow contains the Client Review step, options to limit review time are available.

Note: default values for Workflow, Cost Center and Automatic Quote Approval can be changed on the Avilinga Translation Connector configuration page.

- Click Create & Translate to launch the project.

4. Select the desired Delivery date and time and Confirm your selection.

Note: if the Auto launch from References option is not set in the Avilinga Translation Connector configuration, the project has to be launched manually. Learn more about launching projects.

Update language copy

To update a page, asset, content fragment or experience fragment, the process varies only in initial selection:

1. Select the page, content fragment or experience fragment from the source language tree, open the References sidebar and select Language Copies

Note: this screenshot shows the Assets console to create the Content fragment translation. Functionality is identical in the Sites and Experience Fragments consoles.

2. Check the Languages Copies checkbox and select the Languages you wish to update.

Tip: double click on the checkbox of the particular language selects it and deselects all others.

3. Select the Avilinga (Update) tab.

The rest of the process is as described in the Create new language copy section.

Note: The Ignore references option is designed to prevent untranslatable properties in the Language copy and their referenced assets from being replaced by those from the source content. Use this setting if the assets differ between the source content and its Language Copy. Refer Avilinga Translation Features settings to specify component properties that contain references.

Component translation

Avilinga Translation Connector offers a unique feature to update any single component of the page. This type of translation is recommended when updating the Language copy of the whole page is undesirable. To enable this feature for specified content folders, please follow the Connector configuration guide.

Use the following steps to update the component translation:

1. Locate and select the page that contains the required component in the Sites console. Click on the Edit button.

2. Select the component and click the Avilinga Update button in the popup button bar.

3. Select the required languages for translation and click the Update Translation button.

Note: Update Component Translation console audits the component translation in Language copies. You can find it helpful to follow the hints shown in the State column of the table.

4. Set the following parameters:

- Type in Title to identify the project in the Avilinga portal and AEM Projects console.

- Select Workflow from options available in your Avilinga account.

- Select Cost Centre from the cost centers associated with your Avilinga API user.

- Uncheck Automatic Quote Approval to require quotation approval on the Avilinga portal before launch.

- If the selected workflow contains the Client Review step, options to limit review time are available.

Note: default values for Workflow, Cost Center and Automatic Quote Approval can be changed on the Avilinga Translation Connector configuration page.

- Click Create & Translate to launch the project.

5. Select the desired Delivery date and time and Confirm your selection.

Avilinga Translation Project template

Adobe Experience Manager offers a way to create translation projects using the Project console. Avilinga Translation Connector plugin contains the Avilinga Translation Project template to create Avilinga translation projects easier. Follow the next steps to create a translation project using the Projects console:

1. Navigate to the Projects console, click Create button, and select Project.

2. Select the Avilinga Translation Project template and click the Next button.

3. Set the following job parameters:

- Title: set a title to identify a project in the Avilinga portal and AEM Projects console.

- Description (optional): set a project description.

- User (optional): add additional users to the project.

4. On the Advanced tab set the following job parameters:

- Name: auto-populated by AEM, edit to overwrite.

- Source Language: select from the languages on your AEM installation.

- Target Language: select from the languages on your AEM installation.

- Workflow: select from the options in your Avilinga account.

- Cost Center: select from cost centers associated with your Avilinga API user.

- Turnaround: select from the options in your Avilinga account.

- Automatic Quote Approval: uncheck to require quotation approval in the Avilinga portal before launch.

- Click the Create button to finish translation project creation. On the notification dialog box click the Open button to add content to the translation job.

5. Click on the ellipsis button on the Translation Job tile to add content for translation.

6. Click the Add button and select the Assets/Pages item or any other content type to translate.

7. Select one or more items to translate and click the Select button.

8. Select Create Language Copy if the selected content was not translated before, or Update Language Copy if translation already exists.

9. Navigate back to the project screen and click on the popup menu button of the Translation Job pod to select Start action from the drop-down menu.

Note: Repeat steps 5 – 9 for each target language in the project.

10. Refresh the browser page several times to update translation project status. When the Set delivery date and run hyperlink appear, click on it. 

11. Select desired Delivery date and time and confirm project creation.

Avilinga Translations console

The Avilinga Translation console is available on the main AEM navigation screen. It shows the reference of all ongoing translation projects which are available for the AEM user. Each project has one of the following translation status: new, active, completed or fetched.

If the Auto-fetch translations option is enabled on the Avilinga Translation Connector configuration page, the auto-fetch process starts after the Avilinga Translation console opened and repeats in every 15 minutes by default.

Note: The auto-fetch translations option auto-approve all translated files automatically. Please be sure that setting this option to ON is appropriate for you.

If the Auto-promote launches of translations option is enabled, all translated content will be promoted automatically. To know more about launches, please refer to AEM documentation:

Note: AEM creates Launches only for Update translation-type projects. If the translation of the content did not exist before, then content will be available without promoting immediately after fetching and approving regardless of whether the Auto-promote launches of translations option is selected.

To retrieve completed translation projects manually when the Auto-fetch translations option is set to OFF on Avilinga Translation Connector configuration page, Select required projects and click the Fetch action at the action bar.

Note: This action also auto-approves translation projects by default. To prevent auto approving of translated content please refer to Manual translation retrieval section.

Manual translation retrieval

Each created translation project is visible in the Projects console of AEM as well as on the Avilinga portal.

As each project is completed, you will receive a project completion email from Avilinga.

If you do not require automatic translation retrieval option provided by the Avilinga Translations console, use the following steps to retrieve the translation manually:

1. Navigate to the Projects console and click on the project to retrieve.

2. Click on the ellipsis button of the Translation Job pod with the Ready for review status.

Note: Pending languages will show status Translation in progress, completed languages will show status Ready for review.

3. Select all project items and click Accept Translation.Note: Selecting any table item allows to open the content for review.

Note: Selecting any table item allows to open the content for review.

4. After approving the translation, the Translation Job pod can be archived and the translation project can be removed.

5. Confirm archiving of the Translation job by selecting one of the Launch processing options.

Warning: Update-type translation jobs retrieved manually requires the promotion of the Launch before archiving the Translation Job tile. Refer to Manual Launch promotion of the manual. To know more about launches please refer to AEM documentation:

Manual Launch promotion

Every update-type translation project creates the Launch that requires promotion after the translation job is completed. This action lets translated changes take effect on the Language copy page. Avilinga Translation Connector offers an automatic Launch promotion option which is available when fetching is done using the Avilinga Translations console.

In the case when translation was fetched using the Projects console of AEM, the Launch needs a promotion. Use the following steps to promote the Launch:

1. Select Language copy of the page, content fragment or experience fragment from the source language tree, open References sidebar and select Launches.

2. Select the latest Launch and click on the Promote launch button.

3. Select the scope to promote and click Next.

4. Click the Promote button to confirm Launch promotion.

Hint: To know more about launches please refer to AEM documentation:

i18n dictionary translation

The Avilinga Translation Project template can be used for i18n dictionary translation. However, Adobe Experience Manager has strict requirements regarding the structure of i18n dictionaries to be sent for translation. AEM supports two types of i18n dictionaries: sling and JSON. Sling dictionaries may also have variations in the description of their key properties. To ensure ease and consistency in translating every type of i18n dictionary, Avilinga recommends using the Avilinga i18n workflow to manage i18n dictionary translations.

1. In the Avilinga Translations console click on the Create i18n Project button.

2. Set the properties of the new i18n project:

- Title: set a title to identify a project in the Avilinga portal and AEM Projects console.

- Source Language: select from languages on your AEM installation.

- Target Language(s): select from languages on your AEM installation.

- Workflow: select from the options in your Avilinga account.

- Cost Center: select from cost centers associated with your Avilinga API user.

- Delivery translation on or before: set a desired date and time of translation delivery.

- Automatic Quote Approval: uncheck to require quotation approval in the Avilinga portal before launching the project.

- i18n dictionaries: select one or more i18n dictionaries to translate.

- Click the Create Project button.

Note: only new or modified i18n dictionaries are attached to the translation project. If no such dictionaries are found, the translation project will not be created and a warning dialog will be displayed.Note: projects created using the way described above are visible in the Avilinga Translations console only.
Note: Avilinga Translation Connector supports a standard way of creating translation projects for i18n dictionaries. However, this way is not recommended because the source data Avilinga receives for the translation is unpredictable.

To create a standard translation project for the i18n dictionary please follow the next steps:

1. Follow the steps 1-6 of the Avilinga Translation Project template section

2. Click the Add button and select the I18N-Dictionary item.

3. Select Root Directory, select the i18n Dictionary source language, and click Add.

4. Select Create Language Copy if selected dictionary was not translated before or Update Language Copy if translation already exists.

Repeat steps 2 – 5 for every target language in the project.

5. Use steps 9 – 11 of the Avilinga Translation Project template  section to complete the creation and launch the project. 

Audit translations

Avilinga Translation Connector facilitates the search of untranslated Language copies or Language copies with outdated content. It also lets to find out which Language copies of the page haven't been published or are currently being translated.

There are several types of translation audits featured: Audit translations of pages and Audit translations of folders.

To audit translations of a page, follow the next steps:

1. Select the page for audit and click the Avilinga Audit button.

2. Select the languages to update and click the Update Translations button. 

Hint: The State column of the table shows the detailed information about Language copy.Hint: Use Filters to display only required Audit results.

3. Follow steps 4 and 5 of Component translation section to create translation project and update required Language copies.

To audit the translations of the folder, follow the next steps:

1. Select the folder for audit and click the Avilinga Audit button.

2. Select one or several languages to Audit  and click the Audit button.

3. Select the pages to update and click the Update Translations button. 

Hint: The State column of the table shows the detailed information about the page in selected language.

4. Follow steps 4 and 5 of Component translation section to create translation project and update required Language copies.

Share access to translation projects

AEM Projects allow users to share access to any project. Avilinga Translation Connector supports automatic sharing of each Avilinga translation project with a specific group of users.

To enable this feature, create a Group with the avilinga-shared-access ID and any name. All users who should have access to a new Avilinga Translation project must be members of this group. Know more about creating a user group.

Note: The avilinga-shared-access group is a reference for Avilinga Translation Connector to populate project-related owner groups with specific user IDs.

Follow the steps below to manually share access for any translation project using the native AEM method:

1. Open the project in the AEM Projects console for access sharing and click the ellipsis button on the Team tile.

2. Select a user to share access to the translation project as Owners and click Add. Repeat this action for every user with whom the translation project should be shared. Click the Save & Close button.