Avilinga Translation connector provides Maintenance tools to keep Adobe Experience Manager instance clean of obsolete translation projects and their constituents. These operations help to improve performance of AEM on creating translation projects.
1. To Locate Avilinga Maintenance tools go to Tools, Operations, Avilinga Maintenance.
2. There are four tools available: Clean up obsolete user groups, Remove completed and removed projects, Remove project assets and Remove translation project Launches.
Note: all tools provide a list of items which are not necessary anymore because of translation projects completion or cancellation.
- Use User Groups tool to view and remove unnecessary user groups which were created for AEM translation projects.
Note: it is recommended to review the list manually before removing all groups in the list because the list is provided by the logic based on the group name and its belonging.
- Use Completed and Deleted Projects tool for quick view and remove AEM translation projects which are not connected with Avilinga projects anymore.
- Use Projects Assets tool to view and remove assets associated with removed AEM translation projects.
- Use Launches to view and remove Launches created for translation projects which are not existing anymore.
Note: Launches can be reused to restore previous translations, however this is not recommended and after promoting Launch supposed to be removed. This tool also provides a way to remove Launches of rejected translation projects.
3. To manage unnecessary items select them and click Delete.
Note: It is recommended to perform maintenance tasks at least once in a few months to keep AEM instance clean of unnecessary content.
Note: User has to be a member of projects-administrators group or has to be administrator to access Avilinga Maintenance tools.